Dear Colleagues and Friends:

We are excited to formally announce the 28th Western Photosynthesis Conference (WPC2019), to be held at UW Friday Harbor Laboratories outside of Seattle, Washington from January 3rd to 6th, 2019.
The Western Photosynthesis Conference (WPC) is an important and engaging meeting that covers the most exciting research advances from laboratories located primarily in the Western United States, with some additional attendees coming from outside of this region. Importantly, the WPC is a mixture of young scientists and more established principal investigators but focuses on allowing the early-career scientists to present their latest research findings to the photosynthesis community. Starting in 2016, the WPC began to alternate venues between the West Coast and inland sites. This year’s conference will be at the Friday Harbor Laboratories in the San Juan Islands near Seattle Washington. 

The following themes have been selected for WPC2019:

I.             Organization and Assembly of Photosynthetic Complexes
II.            Structure-Function Relations in Photosynthesis
III.           Electron Transfer Reactions
IV.           Applied-Artificial Photosynthesis and Bioenergy
V.            Environmental Adaptations
VI.          Genomes, Expression and Evolution
To highlight and encourage research presentations from young investigators in the Western region of the US and Canada, a number of speakers will be selected from submitted abstracts.
We are excited to announce that the following speakers have already agreed to present at WPC2019:
  • Ute Armbruster - Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
  • Alice Barkan - University of Oregon
  • Joe Berry - Carnegie Institution of Washington at Stanford
  • Carole Dabney-Smith - Miami University
  • Caroline Harwood - University of Washington
  • Dave Kramer - Michigan State University
  • Cara Lubner - National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 
  • Scott Miller - University of Montana 
  • Allen Milligan - Oregon State University
  • Ana L. Moore - Arizona State University
  • Matt Posewitz - Colorado School of Mines
  • Setsuko Wakao - UC Berkeley
  • Andreas Weber - Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

We are also excited about the new venue at Friday Harbor Laboratories, which will provide a relaxing and interactive atmosphere for high-level scientific discussions. During our free time, many recreational opportunities exist in the area including hiking, whale watching, etc... Of course, we will continue our long-standing tradition of the evening social mixer to foster new acquaintances and to catching up with old friends.  Additional travel information can be found under the Travel and Venue tab.

To help make WPC2019 successful and rewarding for all, please spread this information to interested colleagues. Travel awards for graduate students and postdoctoral scientists are anticipated.

 We hope to see you at WPC2019!

 Kind regards from the organizing committee,

Chairs: Henning Kunz and Asaph Cousins
Co-Chairs: Graham Peers, Matthew Posewitz, Kevin Redding and Barry Bruce


Generously sponsoring graduate student and respectively postdoc awards at WPC 2019